Reveal Your Clearer Complexion
Dermatological treatments can take many forms, but a chemical peel offers a conservative approach to improving the health and appearance of the skin. This versatile cosmetic procedure addresses all of the concerns that patients may be seeking to remedy—from a lack of youthful glow to even skin tone to minimizing the appearance of scars.
Oasis Dermatology offers a safe and effective chemical peel treatment for people who want to have a fairer and smoother complexion.
Build Your Self Confidence
Aside from minimizing the risk of clogged pores, a chemical face peel for dark spots or hyperpigmentation can help you achieve a more even skin tone. It works by removing excess skin pigmentation that can lead to an uneven complexion.
Skin discoloration appears over time due to sun exposure and other external factors that impact the outer layers of the skin first. When these outer layers of skin are removed, the healthy, new skin below has a more consistent tone.

Get The Glow
One of the chemical peels is the Superficial or Lunchtime Peel. Here, an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) or another mild acid is used to exfoliate only the outer layer of the skin. It improves the appearance
In this face chemical peel treatment, glycolic or trichloroacetic acid is applied to get into the outer and middle layers of the skin and eliminate damaged skin cells. The treatment provides several aesthetic benefits, including improved age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discolorations. It also smooths rough skin and treats precancerous growths.
Chemical Peel For Acne
Chemical peels are an excellent solution to clear up acne and acne scars. Several peels will be done over a few weeks. After treatment, the chemical solutions used will remove damaged skin and clear out your acne and scars.
Get Back Your Youthful Glow
Periodic chemical peels for acne scars can help prevent the buildup of dead skin cells and reduce your risk for pimples and breakouts. It can also improve the appearance of the scars left from your breakout.
Acne scars result from damage to your skin caused by acne. Doing a chemical peel for acne scars can help diminish the appearance of scars by revealing layers of healthy, new skin faster and stimulating the body's natural healing process.
Things You May Want to Know
Who is a good candidate for the chemical face peel?
Chemical peels offer an effective solution for a versatile range of skin tone and texture concerns. However, not all patients can undergo a chemical face peel. Fair-skinned, light-haired people are usually the best candidates for this treatment. But, if you have a darker complexion, you may still see good results. After the procedure, the only risk is having an uneven skin tone (hyper or hypopigmentation).
Here are other criteria for people who are NOT a good candidate for a chemical peel:
- Used Accutane in the last six months
- With a family history of abnormal scarring (keloid scarring, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, etc.)
- Frequently experiences cold sores
- Women who are pregnant, nursing, or actively trying to become pregnant
- With an active infection or sore
- With poorly managed chronic skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis
- Spends long hours outdoors
What happens during a chemical peel treatment?
Chemical peels are performed in the office on an outpatient basis. During treatment, the skin is cleansed to eliminate extra oil and dirt particles on the skin surface, while the eyes and hair are covered to keep them protected. Afterward, the chemical solution is applied and left on your face for a specific period of time before it’s neutralized and washed off. Once the peel is removed, cold compresses can be applied to soothe your skin. Typically, chemical peels are done in under a half-hour.
What should I avoid prior to the treatment?
If you are scheduled for a chemical peel in five days, here are the products that you should avoid using:
- Retinol products and prescription retinoids, such as Retin-A (Tretinoin), Renova, Differin, or Tazorac
- Products with hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid (AHA), salicylic acid (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide
- Any exfoliating products that might be drying or irritating
Will I experience any side effects afterward?
In addition to redness, stinging, and peeling that occur in the first few days after a chemical peel. Other side effects include changes in skin color that can last from days to years, especially if it runs in your family or you take birth control pills. People with herpes simplex virus are also at risk of reactivating cold sores if they have their chemical peel procedure done around the mouth or eyes. People who tend to scar easily may have a low risk of scarring after the chemical peel procedure.
How often should I get a chemical peel?
To maintain the results of a chemical peel, we recommend periodic retreatments. For patients treating a specific condition, we may recommend a series of two to four peels. Patients who do not have a particular need for continued improvement may find they can go longer between treatments. An excellent example of that is if you’re treating general signs of aging, we recommend a superficial peel at least once every 12 months.