Safe and Effective Procedure
Lipoma Removal
Lipomas are soft, fatty tumors that develop underneath your skin. They usually appear on the back, shoulders, and arms, but they can also occur on other parts of your body. Although benign and painless, they may become painful if they push against the nerves or blood vessels. This is why many still consider a lipoma removal procedure.
Some lipomas are small in size, ranging from 2 to 3 cm. Lipomas of this size can be easily removed. Others can grow quite large, usually around 10 cm, making their removal more complex. We typically recommend prompt removal to limit potential complications.
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Four Types of Lipoma
A lipoma is not a cyst, but a definitive diagnosis cannot be made until the tumor is removed and examined by a pathologist. This condition can occur at any age, but most people get them as adults. They can be hereditary, but they can also develop for any reason. These are the four different types of lipomas:
- Conventional lipomas: consist of common white fat cells.
- Fibrolipomas: made from fat cells and fibrous tissue.
- Myelolipomas: are fat cells and tissue that creates blood cells.
- Pleomorphic lipomas: made up of fat cells of different shapes and sizes.
Treatment for Lipoma Removal
A lipoma usually requires no treatment. However, if the lipoma becomes painful or growing, your doctor might recommend removal. Here are the two ways that it can be done:

Lipoma Surgery
Lipoma removal is often accomplished via a surgical procedure known as lipoma excision, in which the doctor surgically removes the diseased tissue. Although recurrence is uncommon, a small percentage of patients experience scarring and bruising as side effects of the surgery.
When Should You
Opt for A Lipoma Removal Surgery?
Doctors recommend removing lipomas that are growing, painful, or causing other symptoms that are concerning to the patient. While most lipomas can be left alone, there are many reasons you might want to have a lipoma removed. Some common reasons people choose to undergo lipoma removal surgery are:
- You dislike the appearance of your lipoma.
- It has grown massive and obvious.
- Your lipoma is causing you tenderness and discomfort.
- It is in a sensitive and/or awkward area.
- The lipoma is becoming more prominent.
Clinical uncertainty: occurs when your dermatologist recommends it because they might be uncertain about whether it is a lipoma or a dangerous lump.

Things You May Want to Know
Lipoma Removal Surgery FAQS
Who is a candidate for lipoma removal?
While lipomas are usually benign, they can still be a source of discomfort for people with body image issues. For those looking to shed the appearance of their lipomas, a lipoma removal is an option that can remove the problem and restore peace of mind.
Besides those, people who have lipomas located in sensitive areas, such as the folds of their skin or around their genitals, are excellent candidates to have the growths removed. The same also applies to people who have prominent or painful lipomas.
Will I undergo any investigations or tests before the lipoma excision?
Before surgical removal, it is usually possible for your doctor to tell whether the lump is a lipoma. However, if the lump is very deep or large, an Ultrasound scan or an MRI scan may be necessary in order to obtain more information about the node.
Can you walk me through the lipoma removal process?
Dermatological Surgeon Dr. Jesleen Ahluwalia may remove a lipoma surgically by making a small cut in the skin and then squeezing out the growth, which is done under local anesthesia. A person who underwent the lipoma treatment can usually go home on the same day.
Although Dr. Ahluwalia may be able to remove some lipomas with a minimally invasive procedure, you may need to undergo a more significant incision to remove larger lipomas entirely.
Our providers send the lipoma tissues to a laboratory for analysis. These types of operations will often leave a tiny scar once the wound has fully healed.
What is recovery like?
Generally, patients may return home after lipoma removal but should expect to return for a postoperative visit to make sure that the treatment site is healing properly. No matter the technique used to remove the lipoma,
Dr. Ahluwalia will send a sample to a laboratory for testing. Even if most lipomas are not cancerous, strict precautions are always made to ensure your health and safety.